"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind, and find my soul." John Muir

Today I was pushed to the edge of the abyss of madness
Talking was sobbing
I ate just enough junk to stave off hunger pangs
Unrelenting headaches and heartburn threatens the return of the ulcer
I drive to the forest in the never-ending deluge of rain and tears
Up to the national forest to where the road is closed for snow
I find a small riverside picnic area full of deep puddles and snowbank
The fresh cold air rejuvenates
Silence but for the rushing clear water, raindrop plops into puddles, and the occasional vehicle
Greens are enhanced by rain- ferns, mosses, lichens, fir needles, cedar's scaly leaves
Grays and browns blend into the landscape

The screaming in my head abates
My heart releases to the forest
My soul cools
I recognize there will be days like this and I will continue to listen and act on the need to drive as far as I can to refresh my soul
The forest calls
The forest listens
The forest heals
The forest restores
