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Jan 8, 20231 min read
A Sunday Meltdown
"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind, and find my soul." John Muir Today I was pushed to the edge of the abyss of madness Talking...

Aug 22, 20222 min read
An Epiphany for the Day
Writing in my morning journal today, I felt as if I should share. I'm loving this retirement thing. LOL It allows me to heal faster from...

Aug 7, 20222 min read
A Love A Loss and Healing
Where have I been? I've been struggling to recover from the loss of my only child at the end of January. I love to write but doing...

Aug 23, 20211 min read
Earth's Ten Commandments
Thou shalt love and honor the Earth for it blesses thy life and governs thy survival. Thou shalt keep each day sacred to the Earth and...

Aug 22, 20214 min read
Time Smooths Wounds Out
"Every 40 seconds someone in the world dies by suicide... Every 41 seconds, someone is left to make sense of it." Was it August 11th or...

Jul 9, 20215 min read
The Healing Shaman
The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. Caroline Myss On my 56th birthday in the Autumn of...

Feb 13, 20212 min read
Light in the Darkness
“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller Hi everyone!...

Dec 23, 20203 min read
Pandemic Hermit 2- Touch
Touch. Hug. A gentle gesture. A warmth for the soul. I had a pretty dramatic dream on a recent night and while meditating the next...

Dec 9, 20204 min read
The Deep Power of Grief
Grief- Intense sorrow over a loss. It comes from the Latin word “gravare”, which means to make heavy. “Gravare” comes from the Latin word...

Nov 19, 20203 min read
Life's Joy
En-joy- based on the Latin rejoice. Old French- to give joy, take delight in whereas joy- simply rejoice. (En-Old French ‘give joy’ to)....

Oct 21, 20204 min read
Pandemic Hermit Part 1- Solitude
“Solitude is where I place my chaos to rest and awaken my inner peace.” Nikki Rowe We’re living in a pandemic, something none of us...

Oct 15, 20203 min read
My Brother's Keeper
I have a “little” brother. Our mom had 3 miscarriages before I was born. My brother was born 15 months after me. When he was a few years...

Oct 12, 20201 min read
A Woman A Journey A Life
Terri Hawke Talk is the culmination of ideas and brainstorming ways to share my stories and, by doing so, maybe make a difference in...

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