After 21.94 years as an environmental planner with Snohomish County Public Works today was my last day- retirement. As I turned off my alarm this morning I thought- well, that's the last time I'll have to do that, from now on it's only on when I want it on. No more clicking the button up every Sunday night to set it. My routine is about to drastically change again. Nearly 2 years ago it changed when we were all sent home to work remotely. Now it's everyday on my terms in my time. No need to meet anyone else's work expectations but my own!
The last several days have been spent deleting emails, unsubscribing from list serves, deleting files and folders, and when in the office, recycling reams of paper collected over the years. I had to travel to the office today to return my laptop and other items. The snow and ice covered roads made it a bit dicey. Fortunately, I have 4wd so I made it to town and back safely with only one small sideways slide. I returned my composite-toed work boots which I never liked; my rubber boots which were the first I've found were comfortable, my rain gear, my hi-vis vest, and my big warm dry orange jacket with my name on it. This was my field gear when out assessing impacts to critical areas, delineating the ordinary high of a stream, delineating wetland edges, monitoring for amphibians at mitigation sites, and various wildlife surveys- all for public works projects. Although, most of my job was about writing technical documents and applying for permits. Plus much more than I can encapsulate.

I'm still in a bit of disbelief that I'm done. I'm headed into the third act of life. I don't need to ask for days off to play or if I'm sick I no longer need to call in. I don't have to plan around holidays. I don't have a supervisor, manager, director, or dysfunctional coworkers. I don't have to work with people I don't like. I choose what I want to do with my time. Although, I do have two furry bosses that get me up to feed them at a very early hour. And one of them seems to have to go outside regularly.

I'll miss my view and the wonderful natural light. The spectacular sunrises and sunsets will be missed too. It was so much fun watching the storms come in. It took me the bulk of my career before I was gifted with a window cubicle. It was fantastic!

I sent out a goodbye email to selected people today thanking them and saying goodbye. People have been responding with kind words- even people I barely worked with over the years; some were new to the county. It was a great reminder of how we each make a difference in the world, sometimes, without realizing it. Being kind, authentic, honest, and compassionate leaves an impression on people- even if for a moment.
