“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller

Hi everyone! I've been on a bit of a grief sabbatical. I lost my beloved 12 year old cat suddenly due to his heart giving out. I've been devastated and writing has been tough. It's been 3 1/2 weeks since I lost him and my house still feels empty without him. He was a large presence in my life- especially since I've been working from home. Please see my website for his story (there will be a follow-up later)- www.Critterchatwterrihawke.com
This is the first time in a good 40 years since I haven't had a cat living with me. I have my little dog who is always by my side which helps so much. I still miss Twig deeply. I've spent a lot of time sitting in my grief letting it wash over me and move through, leaning into the pain. I know if I avoid it or stuff it, healing will not happen. I've also been kind to myself- not trying to do too much and taking each day as it comes.
There are those that will say- it's just a cat (or name your companion) so get over it. Well, for many of us our animal companions are family members and we are closer to them than human family members. Why is this? Unconditional love. I would have to say that this loss has hit me harder than losing my family members.
I am choosing to use my pain and grief over losing the fantastic amazing Twig by writing a children's book about grieving an animal companion. Twig and I will help children, and likely adults, to move through their pain from losing their beloved animal companions. You see, when I was a child crying or showing anger was not allowed. Grieving was never okay. Stuffing your emotions was. And, now as an adult, I embrace my deep emotion and love of animals and the pain of loss. I will one day smile when I think of him. That is healing.
"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever."- Winnie the Pooh